
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Happy Thanksgivmukah

Happy Thanksgivmukah


Happy Thanksgivmukah! With the first night of Hanukkah tonight, and Thanksgiving tomorrow I feel suddenly in full on holiday mode. This year is extra special because each holiday will be Hermione's first!

For Hannukah we will be lighting this adorable elephant menorah, opening a few small presents, eating my Sweet Potato Latkes (if you are making them for a baby make sure to omit the salt!), and saying our own version of the Hanukkah blessing.

While neither Doug nor I are religious, we are making a big effort to raise Hermione with the traditions of our parents. Minus the G-- parts.  In case you are in a similar boat our Hannukah blessing goes like this :

Blessed is the time of our celebration, time of light for hope in the world.

May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

We then plan to sing this song that we sing in Hermione's yoga class and at bedtime. It is sung to the tune of "The Wheels of the Bus"

My little light bows to your little light, your little light, your little light. My little light bows to your little light. Namaste.

Tomorrow Doug and I will be doing our annual Turkey Burn (90 minute class) at Soul Cycle which I cannot wait for! At last year's Turkey Burn I was pregnant! What a difference a year makes! This year I have so so much to be grateful for from my beautiful baby girl, to my husband, to my family's continued health. It certainly has been a wonderful year.

We are having Thanksgiving dinner at Soho House with Doug's whole family. Hermione has a special party dress picked out for the occasion... stay tuned for photos!

While we will be eating Thanksgiving dinner out this year if I were cooking here are a few healthy recipes I would certainly include!

Pumpkin Spice Macaroons 

Looking for the taste of Thanksgiving in a cup? Try this smoothie over the long weekend! Yum!

Naturally Beautiful

Yoga for Bellies

Yoga for Bellies