Ah, teething. This past week Hermione began waking up in the middle of the night again and I could not figure out why. Then yesterday I spotted it…another little tooth about to make it's appearance! This will be three teeth total. Personally I cannot imagine what it must feel like to cut fresh bone through my gums… can you? No wonder whenever a new tooth is about to pop my little one has trouble sleeping! Ouch!
There are a huge variety of remedies to help babies cope with teething pain. A lot of people suggest giving a mild pain killer such a Tylenol but since I won't even take it myself I am certainly not comfortable with Hermione having any. As we have gone through these first three teeth I have found a few natural solutions that seem to help Hermione on days when her teething pain is most acute. Luckily once the little tooth pops the surface she quickly gets relief. With (almost) three teeth down and 17 (yikes) more to go these are the teething solutions that have helped us so far.
Raw Apple Slices
Teething or not Hermione loves to gnaw on cold apple slices. They are sweet, suckable and can keep her occupied and happy for long periods of time. When she is teething a cool, rough apple slice seems to help the pain quite a bit. Now that she has some teeth I have to be careful she does not break off a piece larger than she can swallow. So far we have been ok, but if you give a baby an apple slice make sure you are always nearby for safety!
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is soothing for everyone, teething babies included. I brew Hermione a super weak cup, let it cool completely and give her a little bit in a medicine dropper. It seems to mellow her out and help her deal with the pain.
Camilia is an all natural homeopathic teething remedy you can find at Whole Foods and a lot of pharmacies. These single dose tubes really help Hermione. I give her a couple before bedtime or anytime she is acting cranky and in pain. I always have some in the diaper bag, on the changing table, and by her rocking chair for middle of the night doses.
Clove Oil
Clove oil (easily found at Whole Foods or any health food store) is a natural analgesic (numbing agent) that can be very helpful for tooth pain. In order to be used safely it MUST be diluted with a carrier oil first. Add a few drops (1-2) of clove oil to a tablespoon of olive oil. Keep the mixture in a small jar and apply with your finger to your babies gums a few times a day and before bedtime.
Frozen Washcloth or Burp Cloth
A frozen washcloth or burp cloth is great for a teething baby to chew on. Simply wet it a little, roll it up and throw it in the freezer. The coolness helps sore swollen gums. For an added bonus you can dip these is camomile tea before freezing! Two remedies in one!
Honest Company Teether
Hermione is OBSSED with her Honest Company Teether. Made from natural silicone it is huggable, chewable and gnawable. It it extra soothing when thrown in the freezer and can even be washed in the dishwasher. I have two of these so one is always cooling in the freezer while the other is being gnawed on.