
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Inside My Makeup Bag

Inside My Makeup Bag


My makeup habits have changed quite a bit over the years. I used to be the department store beauty counter type. I loved to go and have my makeup done and then buy the whole look the makeup artist put on me. Yup, I'm a sucker. Then, as Sephora got more popular I would make frequent trips, always stocking up on items I did not really need. Again, me = sucker.

Nowadays my makeup bag is much more stream lined and full of only clean, non-toxic products that I use everyday. I rarely spend more than 3-4 minutes putting on my makeup and much prefer a natural glowing look. When you spend your days exercising, at your desk, in the kitchen and at the playground there is really no need for a full face of makeup!

Recently, my favorite clean beauty blog, No More Dirty Looks (their book is amazing too!) asked me to divulge the contents of my makeup bag and I was happy to oblige. To find out my everyday makeup essentials click here!

Mama and Me SunButter and Banana Sandwich

Mama and Me SunButter and Banana Sandwich

Hermione's Friends

Hermione's Friends