
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Happy Weekend

Happy Weekend


Happy Friday! The weather is so gorgeous today it's hard to believe it's almost October (and my birthday). Hermione has had a cold and cough all week (nothing sadder than a sick, sniffly, snotty baby) so I am hoping things turn around and we can enjoy this beautiful weather. Tonight, we are headed back out to the beach where we plan on doing some farm stand shopping, lounging around the house, and maybe a visit here if peanut is feeling up to it. Here are some things I am loving this week:

This heavenly treat is currently tempting me from my freezer. Cacao Miso Crunch anyone?

I don't wear much makeup these days but this has become a must have, everyday, game changer.

The cutest hair clips, hands down.

My friend Vanessa on the reality of a post partum body. So beautifully put.

Well Accessorized

Well Accessorized

Pumpkin Time

Pumpkin Time