Support the Girls — Mercer + Green

Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Support the Girls

Support the Girls


I have had body image issues my whole life. I have always strived to be thinner, more toned, look better naked. It's these issues that saddled me with unhealthy eating habits in my teens and early twenties. After too many years of not loving my body I started down a journey to take my health and body into my own hands. I found workouts I love. I started fueling my body with whole foods instead of processed diet junk. In fact my journey to improve my self image is what led me to start this site to share the pleasure of treating health as an everyday indulgence. No one is perfect. I still struggle with what I see in the mirror. When I was pregnant I hated all of the weight gain even though I knew it meant my baby was growing. Living in a post partum body had not been easy either. It takes far longer than anyone will ever tell you for your body to return to "normal." It wasn't until Hermione stopped nursing at 20 months that I started to feel like I got my body back. My huge breasts shrank to the size they were before. The last layer of fat and bloat came off. However, my body still grew another person inside of it and will never truly be the same. I don't think I will ever have a truly flat stomach. My hips will always be a little wider. I am trying to come to terms with this everyday but it can be a struggle.

Last spring I had the immense honor of being part of a photo collaboration between Negative Underwear and Girls I Know. At Negative's gorgeous showroom along with a bunch of other brave, beautiful, real women I had my picture my bra. This was nerve wracking for me on many levels. Being in my bra only meant my stomach will be exposed. Being in my bra only means my breasts that endured pregnancy and almost two years of nursing would be seen. But I did it. I took Hermione along with me not only so we could get some gorgeous photos together but because I want her to grow up to love her own body. I want her to think of herself as beautiful so matter what size (or cup size) she is. I want her to see her mother as an example of a brave, bold woman.

The #SUPPORTTHEGIRLS campaign is a collaboration that celebrates women's bodies, self confidence, humor and of course...boobs. The goal is to boost confidence not cup size and to help start a real conversion about what is real and what is sexy. I could not be more honored to be involved.

At first I was unsure if I wanted to share these last few images as they are the most revealing and I don't have adorable Hermione to hide behind. Then I changed my mind. That is not the person I want to be. That is not the role model I want to be.

To join the #SUPPORTTHEGIRLS campaign head over to instagram and post a photo tagging @negativeunderwear @girlsiknow with #SUPPORTTHEGIRLS.

We come in all shapes, curves, sizes, styles.

Not one the same – but certainly a shared semblance.

Negative x Girls I Know is a collaboration that celebrates women.

We aim to show many – to redefine what it means to feel feminine and sexy in your own skin, in your own way. Because as girls, we support other girls (and the girls, too).

At Home Facial

At Home Facial

Pumpkin Spice Granola

Pumpkin Spice Granola