
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Winter Wanderlust

Winter Wanderlust


This weekend I took a bit of my own advice  and got the heck out of dodge for a night. Things have been a bit stressful around here these days. When Doug and I realized we had not left NYC since Xmas we knew something had to give. So, on saturday morning we packed up the car and hit the road for East Hampton.

As wonderful as the Hamptons are in the summer, packed with sun, beach, friends, parties etc. I personally prefer it off-season. I love being near the beach when the air is crisp, town is quiet, and you can actually get a dinner reservation before 11pm!

Saturday night we had a fantastic dinner at The Living Room c/o The Maidstone.  The Living Room is a proponent of the Slow Food movement and their menu truly embodies this philosophy. Most of their ingredients are sourced from local purveyors and you can read about each one in detail on the back of the menu. I always feel better when I know my food has not traveled thousands of miles to get to me!

The Living Room also holds a special place in my heart for their Woof Menu. While she did not join us on saturday (our dinner was past her bedtime) Maddy has accompanied us to The Living Room before and enjoyed local carrots and apples on the porch during their daily "Yappie Hour."  Maddy is a big part of our little family and anyplace that lets her in on the fun is great in my book!

Sunday morning I woke up to the realization that I had forgotten to pack my green juice in our cooler! Mild panic set in until I realized Jack's Coffee in Amangansett has pressed green juice. Crisis averted!


With my Mr. Green in hand we headed to an early afternoon showing of Wanderlust. A story of two harried urbanites who hit the road and end up in a hippie commune seemed like the perfect movie for us this particular weekend. Doug and I could certainly sympathize with the feelings of Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd. A few nights at an "intentional community" might do us good. Except for the no doors part. We like doors.

My green juice made the perfect movie beverage. It also conveniently fit into my purse ( along with some tasty raw cocoa and coconut covered almonds also from Jack's).

After the movie we packed up and headed back to the city, but not before taking Maddy to the beach for a little run in the sand. She loves the beach almost as much as we do, and in the off-season she is allowed on it anytime of the day!

I am always amazed by the sense of calm and perspective 24 hours away from Manhattan gives me. We all returned home well rested and ready to face the week ahead.

Mango Cilantro Smoothie

Mango Cilantro Smoothie

To My Favorite Oscar Presenter

To My Favorite Oscar Presenter