
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Dear Portia, A Letter on Your 5th Birthday

Dear Portia, A Letter on Your 5th Birthday


Dear Portia,

For the past week you have started every morning and ended every night with “only five more days until my birthday!” “Only four more days!” And on and on. You are so excited for your big day. So excited to celebrate with your friends and family. I am so grateful that we can in some way this year.

This past year has been trying for all of us but you have truly shone despite the constant barrage of changes to life as you know it. Despite all of the restrictions and rules you have adored your final year of preschool. I have never known a child to have such a close group of classmates who all adore each other and you are truly their leader. The other day in the park your entire class followed you around no matter what you were doing. They all wanted to play with you, be near you. I get it. You are truly magnetic and radiant. Anyone lucky enough to be near you feels your glow.

You have grown up so much this year. Your hair has become mermaid like in it’s length and texture, no more baby girl locks. You have sprouted up to be so tall that Hermione’s hand me downs no longer need to spend two years in the basement before making their way to your closet. You have a such a sassy wit and charm. Where asked why you didn’t finish your lunch at school a common reply is , “I was too tied up talking to my friends to eat.”

Even though you can’t read quite yet, like your mama you adore books. I often find you sitting on your bed surrounded by every book from your shelf happily flipping through the pages. I hope this love of reading lasts you a lifetime. I cannot wait until we can share books and have our own Mercer Girl Book Club.

You also love dolls as much as I did when I was little. You are always playing with your Barbies and American Girl dolls, making up elaborate play situations for them that often last days. I love watching you play and create worlds for you dolls in your head. Despite how social you are I love seeing how happily you can play by yourself, caught up in your own dream world.

Despite how much you have grown up you remain my sweet, cuddly little girl. You are constantly wanting to hug me, kiss me, touch me. To sit in my lap. To snuggle under a blanket. You still have such a strong physical need of me. I love it. There is nothing better than ending my day in your bed, snuggled up with you under your blanket inhaling your scent. It reminds me of all the nights in the rocking chair nursing you when you were a baby. You still wake me up occasionally in the middle of the night, almost sleep walking, appearing at my bedside asking , “Mommy will you snuggle me?” And I do. I will gladly walk you back to bed and snuggle you any night. For as long as you will let me.

A big part of me cannot believe you are five, that you are going to Kindergarten this fall. I still see you as my baby who refused to be born. Who came into this world two weeks late because she wouldn’t leave her mama’s cozy belly. The baby who made our family complete the second she joined it.

Happy Happy Birthday my sweet, sassy, snuggly, smart girl. I love you more than words can ever tell.



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