50 Books in 2018
As far back as high school I have been known amongst friends as a reader. I devoured novels in my spare time even when AP English classes gave me plenty of reading to do! I have never felt comfortable without a dog-eared hardcover on my nightstand and and two or three more qued up behind it.
Fast forward almost 20 years (eek!) and life and small children have taken a toll on my reading habit. I still read but not nearly as much. I maybe read 10 novels in 2017. Maybe. I no longer read while commuting to meetings on the subway. I am usually so tired at night that I watch one show with Doug, do some online "window shopping" and then pass out in bed. I miss being a book worm. I miss the new places, people and stories books introduce me to. I miss the ideas and conversations books naturally spark.
Well, new year, new goals. I am committed to reading 50 books in 2018. I know the jump from 10 to 50 sounds like a lot but I know I can do it and will enjoy every second of it. In order to make it happen I am going to get into bed a little earlier each night to make time for reading. I am going to bring a book along to read while I wait for Hermione at dance classes. I am going to read on the weekend during Portia's nap instead of shopping online.
It's the third week of January and I just bought my third book. So far, so good. Books one and two were this and this. Both highly, highly recommended.
If you have read anything great recently please share! I am open to novels, non-fiction and memoirs as well!