
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Finding My Chill Space with Henry and Higby

Finding My Chill Space with Henry and Higby

While relaying my schedule to a friend the other day she commented, “Wow, you have had zero chill since school started.” She couldn’t have been more right. Ever since we got back from the summer (which now seems like a distant, beautiful dream) I have been been spread super thin and feel like I am coming apart at the seems.

When the lovely Annie and Michelle of Henry and Higby offered to come by and help me create my own little Chill Space at home I immediately said yes! Having a little spot just for myself sounded so so appealing.

As mothers so much our focus is on our children’s needs especially at this particular time of year when there are so many school obligations. From Back to School Nights to Book Fairs to Homecoming the list goes on and on ( and on!). Annie and Michelle reminded me that it is important to carve out time and a little space for myself to rest, relax and practice a little self-care. Building a physical space for my relaxing and stress-reducing rituals will help me with a visual reminder and motivate me to stay grounded during this crazy time of year! Here are Annie and Michelle’s top tips for creating a Peaceful Place:


Carve Out Your Space

Find a spot in your home where you relax and/or work – a place to call your own. It can even be as easy as picking a spot in your bedroom as long as it provides you with an opportunity to escape your busy schedule. Once you identify the space, try to make it as calm and clutter free as possible. It is difficult to rest your mind and body and to make insightful decisions when you are distracted by the things around you. A little reflection and rest will give you the little extra something you need to focus on the important tasks at hand.

For my spot I picked my favorite oversized bedroom chair which is equally good for working and relaxing.

Let There be Light

If at all possible, a sun-filled space is ideal as the light is invigorating which can help with productivity.

My bedroom chair gets wonderfuul natural light which brightens my mood and helps me stay on track!


Make it Neat

Before setting up shop, take a moment to purge any clutter in the space. Clutter can lead to unnecessary distractions and the goal here is to make a space that is without distraction. However, that doesn’t mean you need to strip the space of everything – unless that’s your personal preference. Instead try to keep a few small things that you love to see as you will be more inclined to want to spend time there.

I am a very neat person by nature so I did not have much clutter to clear out. I did add in my favorite crystal water bottle, and a journal to make the space feel inviting and inspiring.


Make it Nice

Then, make it a comfortable place to sit and relax. Consider adding a comfy throw blanket, a pillow or two and even a footrest or something that makes the spot inviting and makes you feel good.

I added my favorite white throw blanket. This is actually the blanket I brought to the hospital to sleep under when both girls were born and anytime I snuggle up under it I am flooded with happy memories.


Make it Easy

The last step is to make it easy to get things done in your space. While your laptop might have a charging station in the kitchen and your notebooks and reading materials live near your desk elsewhere, there is no reason you cannot keep a storage bin or container here to house those things when you are in need of some quiet time. Make it easy so that you are more likely to get it done.

I now keep my charged laptop in a basket next to my chair so it is always ready to go. I also keep whatever book I am reading on the table next to my chair so I can easily grab it and read a few pages.

What I Loved This Month

What I Loved This Month

Breakfast with Common Ground Compost and Blueland

Breakfast with Common Ground Compost and Blueland