Hermione's Experiments With Makeup — Mercer + Green

Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Hermione's Experiments With Makeup

Hermione's Experiments With Makeup


Ever since Hermione was very little she has had an interest in makeup. Perhaps it is from seeing me constantly getting my makeup done for photos shoots and events? As soon as she could talk she would ask makeup artists if she could help do Mommy's makeup. They always kindly obliged her and her interest with makeup grew and grew. 

Last Christmas (doesn't that seem like a million years ago?) I gifted her a Caboodle full of non toxickid safe makeupto explore and play with. I noticed that what started as the typical heavy hand of a child and resembled face paint more than makeup slowly evolved into something else. Hermione would sit at the little vanity station I created for her and spend many careful minutes selecting and applying her makeup with a skilled, gentle hand. When she emerged form her room ready to go wherever we were headed I was always shocked at how expertly her makeup was applied! 

I know I am in the minority letting my then 6 now 7 year old experiment with and wear makeup. Many parents won't even discuss the topic with their children until they are much older and of course I respect that. For me, makeup is not about making yourself more beautiful or needing to wear it because you feel uncomfortable without it. In fact unless I am being photographed or going out for a fancy evening I rarely wear any myself.  To me, makeup is about self expression and the art of spending real quality time with yourself and your features. When Hermione has done her makeup and asks me if she looks beautiful I always reply "of course. You are always beautiful inside and out AND I love the way you picked that eyeshadow and lipstick combination."

Another reason I encourage and embrace Hermione's interest in makeup is because for most of her day she is in a uniform with strict rules. She goes from her school uniform (yes even for Zoom school) where no makeup, jewelry or nail polish is allowed to her dance class uniforms where the same rule mostly apply. Just as how I allow her to wear whatever she wants after school and on the weekends, I allow her to do her makeup whenever she is not in a uniform or dress code situation.  

As a mother I strongly believe that one of my main roles is to help my daughters feel confident in who they are and comfortable expressing their true self. For Hermione that means experiment with makeup and despite her age I am completely ok with that. I make sure she knows she docent' need it and that it is not their to cover up or conceal anything about her appearance. To me makeup is an artistic expression just like dance or fashion and I will always encourage my daughter to express herself. 

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